Lego Uses Social Media To Enhance The Customer Experience; 7 LinkedIN Hacks; Cristo Rey Gives Hope; Defining Your Social Strategy.

I grew up with LEGOs, they were a staple of my childhood.  Some years ago, LEGO’s future seemed bleak as the Danish company lost much of its market share to video games and other forms of digital entertainment.  It was social media and the customer experience that reinvented the block toy manufacturer and turned it into one of the most profitable companies in the world.

Lego Uses Social Media To Enhance The Customer Experience.

LEGO enhances the experience in 2 ways by bringing people, families, parents and children together, and by attaching pride to the final projects.  Users love to share these experiences on social and this creates a sense of belonging and unity among LEGO owners.  LEGO supports its toys with apps, books, and even feature films, “but social media is the fulcrum of its success,” says software company SPRINKLR’s CEO Ragy Thomas in his HBR article Anchoring Customer Experience in The Social Experience.

Social media’s speed and openness demands a restructuring of customer driven processes but only a fraction of the companies say they have the tools or training to do it.  People are social and social media belongs front and center of the experiences customers receive as they can, in minutes, both exalt or destroy even the most prominent brands.

1 Marketing Idea Under 3 Minutes

On this NEW episode of 1 Marketing Idea Under 3 Minutes I interview Tina Selwyn, CEO and Founder of The Good Life Consulting who shares an idea she learned while working for Financial Services and Customer Experience giant AMEX.

7 LinkedIN Hacks To Boost Your Profile Views

LinkedIN Hacks

Are you getting people to engage with your posts on LinkedIN?  Have you seen an increase in your profile views?  These 7 LinkedIN hacks will effectively increase in your engagement activity.  Full disclosure, I’ve used a Premium membership since 2013:

  1. Use stats as quotes. Ex: 91% of marketing executives list LinkedIn as the top place to find quality content. Use this stat on your post and then include the link with your full article and the whole story.
  2. Increase the frequency of your posts up to 3-5 a day.  The likelihood of someone opening their phone at the time you published is slim.  There’s just too much noise and ads.  But you have a higher chance of success if you increase the frequency, spread them out throughout the day, and keep a mix of education, motivation, stats, entertainment, and shared content so people don’t tune you off.
  3. Identify who your biggest fans are and tag them.  It is the highest compliment when you write something, and you tag them so they can be notified.  In turn ask if they’d share the post with their networks.  That’s why they are you biggest fans.
  4. Write.  Articles can be turned into blogs then into newsletters and ultimately into an e-book.  The more articles you write the more content you can use in your posts and point people to your blog which resides in your website – clear as mud.
  5. Post to groups.  This is where you’ll find a large number of people who want to learn more about particular topic.
  6. THEN post same article to LinkedINs Publisher. You can find it here [].
  7. Find your Unicorns.  You have posts that likely have received much more engagement than others.  Re-use those exactly as they are.

San Diego Prep School Gives Hope to Low Income Youth

“Most of the work you do in the advertising business is routine maintenance work.  But every now and then you get an opportunity to do something special.  This is your golden moment. Cover yourself with glory, rise to the occasion, and give it everything you’ve got.”

~ David Ogilvy

Never has a quote resonated so much with me…

Cristo Rey San Diego High School Opens 2020

Cristo Rey High School is a college prep school that educates young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose and service.  Through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work study experience, students will graduate ready to succeed in college and in life.  The Cristo Rey Network comprises 35 college preparatory schools that today serve over 11,522 students across 22 states.

Partnering with more than 3,000 businesses, Cristo Rey schools are changing the face of urban education in the United States. Assuming the role of an employee leasing agency, every Cristo Rey student takes a full course load of college preparatory coursework for four years, as he or she participates one day each week in a four-year Corporate Work Study Program to fund the majority of their tuition. It is through these Corporate Sponsorships that Cristo Rey funds the education of its students.  Learn more about how you can help.  Children are the future of our nation.

Defining Your Social Strategy.

When was the last time you were at the mall and bought something at one of the stores?  Let’s pick any store, say Banana Republic.  They use 3 strategies that assist customers like you and I in buying a product. These marketing strategies are the same used in Social Media.  Let’s use Facebook for example.

The first strategy is to get people to walk in front of the store – foot traffic if you will.  This is an Awareness strategy, and it’s designed to make you aware that there is store that could potentially satisfy your apparel needs.

The second strategy is a Traffic strategy, and it’s designed to get you to come inside the store.  Maybe a huge sign that says 50% OFF.

The final strategy is the Conversion strategy, where the contents of the store, layout, feel, ambience, scent, music, the right price points, and the right sales person will enable the transaction.

This is how you use social media to find more customers!  Facebook is not going to sell product for you, or classes, or consulting, to training, or cars.  Facebook will attract and engage with potential customers and lead them down your sales funnel.  It is then your team’s job to convert the sale. Learn how 1marketingidea can help with your Social Media Marketing campaigns.

About the Author

David Wagner is the Lead Consultant at 1marketingidea LLC. 1marketingidea is a San Diego digital marketing consulting firm that specializes in social media marketing, websites, email marketing, video marketing, and event marketing.

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